Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Numbers, Numbers Everywhere!

Today, someone from Mexico landed on my blog after searching for… Wait for it:

A Sudoku Searcher

Yes, can you believe that? Someone actually searched ‘solution for the sudoku from beelzebub’ and landed on this blog! Brilliant… I want to thank Ryuuhei Tamura for screwing up! Smile

Coincidentally, I also saw a report in Nature on an article about the minimum number of entries required for a Sudoku to have a unique solution. The answer turns out to be 17 and a sample Sudoku is provided there. Guess what? A story similar to Beelzebub repeats here!

First of all, this Sudoku can not be solved logically:

Partial Solution

Moreover, my Superpartner was able to fill-in the 16 red numbers on her own (as expected)! Second of all, it does not have a unique solution; it has a hell lot of solutions (>500!):

Complete Solution

I feel a little bad that I’ve been giving her ‘invalid’ Sudokus to solve. Maybe I should give her a valid Sudoku for once like this one (taken from some YouTube video; don’t remember which one!):

Valid but Impossible Sudoku! ;)

Anyway, talking about traffic on my blog, this post has the highest number of hits; more than double the number of hits on the post below it:

Posts' Stats

Curiously, people do some quite explicit searches to end up here:

People who heard Bill Bailey

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